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Weekly Update 5: Delivery Reports v1

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Although Delivery Reports are not nearly as exciting as the post hero image above… ☝️🙂 this humble on the screenshot below has two very important qualities:

  1. first, it provides useful business information today;
  2. second, which is probably more important is that it’s a real thing that can be the center of a conversation about ways to improve it and what else would be useful.
A screenshot of the live Delivery Reports page

Besides the visuals ☝️ I also worked on the server side of it, plus a few other things:

  • Did a bit of research and implemented some changes to improve website performance, and queued some more changes for later.
  • Added some usage tracking; this will be useful for me to understand what features are really used and which are not. This will serve as a basis for setting priorities and making informed decisions.
  • Fixed the RSS feed for this very blog.

Next, I plan to work on wiring up the payment system. It’s a different kind of work, and that makes it both a little bit scary and very exciting. Scary because it’s related to money, and exciting because… it’s related to money. 🙃

Scary or not, I am going to get to work. If you any questions or comments, please get in touch at See you next week. 👋