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WordPress Subscribe Form with no plugin

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By now there is no arguing that building an email list is important for any online endeavor, and I’m sometime even for offline ones: just google it 🙂.

There are also, today, 38 pages of WordPress plugins if you search WordPress plugin catalog, and even a built-in Subscribe Block. So why would FeedSubscription offer another one?!

Well, thanks for asking! 🙂

It’s because it’s simpler: not yet another plugin to slow down you WordPress website, no plugin compatibility issues, no WordPress settings, no SMTP issues or configuration, you jus add a regular HTML block with a single <script> tag that you copy-and-paste from your Feed Management screen.

It will look something like this:

<script res-subscription-form async

The FEED_ID above ☝️ will be replaced with your own feed ID.

That’s it: no plugin, no code, no problem. 😎